An American Prayer

A new film about Michale Graves and his journey to the center of cancel culture.

From being the lead singer and songwriter for The Misfits to the studios of Infowars alongside Alex Jones as one of the most censored, banned and misunderstood musicians in America. Michale Graves’ music endures and his message prevails in this surprising tale of cancel culture, punk rock, freedom, art, expression, love and music.

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Please Join me on August 24th, 2024 at 3:00pmEST as I broadcast LIVE from the hallway of my farmhouse and perform an unforgettable acoustic set.

This is the first time I will also broadcast an hour long ‘Radio Deadly Show’ where I will take your questions and comments LIVE right after I finish my acoustic performance.

Tune in to learn what others don’t know and what the future might hold for me AND you and so much more!